On the occasion of 150th death anniversary of Allama Fazle Haq Khairabadi, a freedom fighter and great philosopher of 19th century, a convention was held at the Ansari Auditorium, on Sunday, September 18, 2011.
The program was convened by Khanqahe Quadria, Badaun in association with Jaam-e-Noor and Dr. Zakir Hussain Institute of Islamic Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia.

The convention was attended by number of renowned community leaders and eminent figures in the field of education and research. They included Prof Akhtarul Wasey, Vice Chairman, Delhi Urdu Academy; Mufti Mukarram Ahmed, Shahi Imaam, Masjid Fatehpuri, Delhi; Dr. Ghulam Zarquani, Director, Hijaz Foundation of America; and Dr. Khwaja Ekram, Associate Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, among others.
Mr. Shakeel Hasan Shamsi, Delhi editor of Inqalaab, an Urdu national daily, was also among the distinguished guests present there.
Every one present in the convention paid their earnest tribute to Allama Fazle Haq Khairabadi and pledged to remember him as a national hero who sacrificed his life to let us breathe in a free India.
Allama Fazle Haq Khairabadi was a renowned philosopher, poet, religious scholar, but is most remembered as a freedom fighter. He played a very important role in the rebellion of 1857.
Allama issued a fatwa (legal advice/opinion) addressing thousands of indignant freedom fighters from the historical monument of Jama Masjid in Delhi against the British monarch in 1857 condemning their policy to blot out the sense of nationhood among the Indians. This incident is popularly attributed to him.
All the speakers in the convention were fiery about recklessly forgetting a national hero like him and blamed the government of India right from the independence up till now for playing sordid communal politics and ignoring the myriad of sacrifices made by the Muslim freedom fighters.
“Most of the freedom fighters in the rebellion of 1857 were Muslims. Although it was suppressed by the very powerful tyrant British regime and it did not lead to our victory but no one can rule out its importance in the ultimate success of 1947. Then why all the credits of our freedom struggle are only attributed to a section of society which had their role in 1947? This is exactly and precisely because in the rebellion of 1857 Muslims had a dominating role to play,” said Maulana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi.

Prof Akhtarul Wasey praised Khairabadi as well as Jamia Millia Islamia for a very promising role played by the university in Indian freedom fighting as its foundation was purely laid down for the purpose of civil disobedience movement in the country.
He said, “There cannot be any place better than this university to organize such a convention as this university has its very roots in the endeavor of a free India.”
He put before the government of India three demands: first to establish a memorial for Allama Fazle Haq Khairabadi in Andaman and Nicobar archipelago where he has been buried, second to issue Indian postal stamps on his name and third to publish a book on the contributions made by him towards the slave less India.
A sense of fury against the government could be easily felt in the voice of the speakers.
The pro-vice-chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, Prof Syed Mohammad Rashid was also seen at the convention and paid tribute to Khairabadi and addressed the attendees for a short while. He laid emphasis on education of Muslim students and urged the Muslim community to put their best possible efforts to educate the society. He suggested the conveners to handover a memorandum to the Prime Minister of India regarding the demands put forward during the convention.
He further added, “less than one per cent of IAS and IPS officers are Muslims. Our students must go for these administrative jobs and be in the system of the country.”
While other speakers made certain demands to the government of India Dr. Ghulam Zarquani, the director of the Hijaz Foundation of America demanded Jamia Millia Islamia to name something significant after Allama Fazle Haq Khairabadi.
Irrespective of whatever the demand made and to whom so ever but the sole motive was to promote and revive the name of the forgotten national hero.
Dr. Khwaja Ekram, associate professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University very wittingly picked on the Mayawati government in Uttar Pradesh for her penchant for erecting giant statues of her political mentors: Kanshi Ram and B.R Ambedkar.
He said, “I won’t mention the name of anyone involved but big pyramids are being constructed in the state of Uttar Pradesh in the memory of some historical figures but some promising personalities like Allama are ignored as if they did not even existed.”
The guests unveiled two books on the life of Khairabadi titled “Allama Fazle Haq Khairabadi: Chand Unwanat” by Khushtar Noorani and “Khairabadiyat” by Usaidul Haq Qadri as well as a special issue of Jaam-e-Noor Monthly was also presented.
Mr. Noohul Haq, grandson of Allama Fazle Haq was also honored during the convention for his family’s contribution in the freedom struggle of India.