[Following is an official Jamia press release.]
Jamia Milla Islamia is celebrating its 91st Foundation Day today i.e. on October 29, 2011.

The Foundation Day celebrations began at 9.30 AM outside the M A Ansari Auditorium, Jamia Millia Islamia where the Chief Guest Mr. Sachin Pilot, Hon.’ble Minister of State for Communication & Information Technology, Govt. of India along with Mr. Najeeb Jung, Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia received the Guard of Honour by NCC Cadets of Jamia.

This was followed by a Flag Hoisting Ceremony by Mr. Sachin Pilot and a Foundation Day Function at M.A. Ansari Auditorium which has been traditionally organized by the Jamia Middle School.
Mr Sachin Pilot addressed the gathering and lauded the University for serving the very important role of disseminating education and grooming students. As the Minister of State for Communication & Information Technology, he also extended his support to Jamia and said that he would be willing to help the university with any IT related projects that they may have. This statement of his earned him a loud applause from the audience.
On the occasion, Vice Chancellor Mr. Najeeb Jung addressed the audience and highlighted the vision of the founders of the university and said that “we must take this task forward”. He said that Jamia continues to bear its social responsibility by serving the most deprived sections and often first generation learners who come to Jamia from all parts of the country. He exhorted the university community to keep to the task and highlighted the role played by teachers in shaping lives of the students.

As part of the celebrations, the University also held a Special Lecture on “Youth for Democracy and Secularism” by Shri. Sitaram Yechuri at 3.00 PM in Edward W. Said Hall, Jamia Millia Islamia. Mr Yechuri talked of the different visions that different groups have had of the nation right since its inception. He said these different visions continue to frame the debates even today. However, he underscored the importance of democracy and secularism as a counter to sectarian principles. He however said that this needs to be accompanied by economic empowerment too.
The Foundation Day celebrations will come to an end with a Day/Night Cricket Match between Jamia Staff XI and Sports Journalists which will be played at 5.30 PM in the Cricket Ground, University Sports Complex, Jamia Millia Islamia. The star of the evening is likely to be Virendra Sehwag, who is an alumnus of Jamia.
Pictures From the Event



sachin pilot is my fav leader , i like him a lot , its my request to sachin sir to please visit alwar someday , or call me at ur place , its my lifetime dream 2 meet u sir , i shall be really thankful 2 u..
Ye foundation day kab hua and kab nikal gaya pata hi nahi laga…