Forum for Student Democracy (FSD) congratulates students, faculty, administration and the Jamia community on the 91st Foundation Day of Jamia Milia Islamia.

We want to remind the Jamia community that Mr. Najeeb Jung, the current Vice Chancellor has decided to do away with the age-old tradition and this year there has been no Talimi Mela.
Talimi Mela has been an age-old tradition to bring the local community and the university community together. These Melas have been helpful in bringing together people and the university in a meaningful way as there were week-long celebrations for the foundation day, including convocation ceremonies. It is unfortunate that this year the current VC and the administration have decided to stop this important community engagement programme.
The plight of a common student who believes in democracy does not end here. As part of the celebration, today there was a special lecture on “Youth For Democracy and Secularism” by a leading Communist leader, Mr. Sitaram Yechury, at the Edward Said Hall. Mr Yechury stressed on the need for democracy and secularism to counter sectarian thoughts.
It is ironical to see that Jaima authorities organized a lecture on youth democracy on its foundation day, while simultaneously oppose student democracy on campus.
Despite, FSD writing two letters to the Vice Chancellor and a letter to the teaching community to restore campus elections in Jamia, there has been no response so far.
why the tradion of Taleemi Mela is stopped???? It is requested that the same may kindly be restarted to reunite all Jmaiates. Jai Jamia .