[Following is an official Jamia press release]
Jamia Millia Islamia held its Annual Convocation on November 16, 2011 at 3.00 pm in the Lawns of Dr. M.A. Ansari Auditorium, Jamia Millia Islamia.

The Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, Shri Tajendra Khanna was the Chief Guest on this occasion. Mr. Najeeb Jung, Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia presided over the Annual Convocation.
The Annual Convocation began with the ‘Jamia Tarana’ sung by the university students’. The Tarana exhorts the students to find their own unique paths in life.

Thereafter, Mr. Najeeb Jung, Vice Chancellor delivered his convocation address. The main highlights of his speech were the emphasis that he laid on students excelling in their lives and careers and taking forward the ideals that they have learnt at the university. [Read the complete speech here: Vice Chancellor Najeeb Jung Convocation Address – Nov. 16 2011]
Mr. Jung also highlighted the achievements of the last academic year among which were the new admission norms, semester system at UG courses, the new courses introduced in the Jamia such as MA (Early Childhood Development), Post Graduate Diploma in Broadcast Technology, M. Tech. (Earthquake Engineering) among others.
He also mentioned the new centres which have been launched such as Centre for Nano-sciences and Nano-technology, Centre for China Studies, Centre for Afghanistan Studies, Sikkim Studies programme etc. Mr. Jung also talked about the universities expansion plans under the 12th Plan. He highlighted the achievements of teachers and students and mentioned some of the laurels earned by them.

His address was followed by the conferment of the degrees to respective faculties and centres. In the Annual Convocation-2011, a total of 4294 Degrees/Diplomas were awarded to students who have successfully completed Post-graduation, Graduation and Diploma from different Faculties/Departments/Centres of the University in the Academic Session 2009-10.
The University also handed out 155 Gold Medals to the Toppers of different courses as also awarded 279 Ph.D. Degrees to Research Scholars. They were greeted by loud cheers from the crowd.
Thereafter, the Lt. Gov of Delhi, Shri. Tejendra Khanna delivered his convocation speech. Shri. Khanna urged the students to go out into the world and work for peace and happiness. Quoting from various texts and traditions, he told the student’s that “for peace in society, there has to be peace in the family; and for peace in the family, we need peace in one’s own self.” His speech was greeted by loud applause from the gathering.
The convocation was declared closed after the National Anthem was sung.
The unique thing about this year’s convocation was what followed after the convocation. After the convocation, the gold medalists and Ph.D. awardees were photographed with the Chief Guest and the Vice Chancellor as also with Deans and Heads of respective Faculties, Departments, Centres. The students were thrilled with this new development.