[Following is a Jamia press release dated Nov 22, 2012]
Jamia Millia Islamia held its Annual Convocation today i.e. on November 22, 2012 at 3 PM in the Lawns of Dr. M.A. Ansari Auditorium, Jamia Millia Islamia.
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) M A Zaki, Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia presided over the Annual Convocation.
The convocation began with the singing of the Jamia Tarana and ended with the National Anthem.

On this occasion, Vice Chancellor Mr. Najeeb Jung presented his report on the last yearand highlighted the achievements of the university. He said, “As a living, evolving institution, Jamia over the past year has tried to build on three fronts: 1) diversify its academic and disciplinary infrastructure 2) expand its student facilities and 3) build its profile both in the Indian public sphere and abroad.”
He ended his speech with, “the aspect of Jamia that gives me the greatest satisfaction is you: our student body. In your diversity you represent a microcosm of this great country and in your collective presence here today, you show us in miniature, what this country could be if it lives up to its extraordinary potential. I congratulate you once again on everything you have achieved and, on behalf of this great institution, wish you every happiness and success in the great adventure of life.”

On this occasion, the University conferred the Degree of ‘Doctor of Letters’ (Honoris Causa) on Dr. Ashok Seth, a famous cardiologist. The Citation presented to him read: “In honouring him, Jamia Millia Islamia celebrates one of the most acclaimed doctors of our times, who – in his person and work – demonstrates the strong foundations of excellence, perseverance and dedication towards saving lives.”
Dr Ashok Seth graciously accepted the honour and said, “Dil Ki Baat 8 Minute Mein Nahi Kahi Ja Sakti”. He went on to urge the students to follow principles and ethics while pursuing their respective careers and wished them the very best. He said he was proud to become an alumnus of such a glorious institute as Jamia Millia Islamia.
A total of 4179 Degrees/Diplomas were awarded to students who have successfully completed Post-graduation, Graduation and Diploma from different Faculties/Departments/Centres of the University in the Academic Session 2010-11. The University also handed out 147 Gold Medals to the Toppers of different courses as also awarded 204 Ph.D. degrees to Research Scholars.