The Outreach Programme in collaboration with Kindle Magazine hosted a theatre workshop on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 at the Conference Hall, FTK – Centre of Information Technology. The workshop titled, “A note on the journey and genesis of the text which is dedicated to the centenary of Nobel Prize for Gitanjali and Tagore’s visit to Iran” was curated by a noted theatre and media activist, Mr. Parnab Mukherjee. He is known as a director who specialises in theatre-for-conflict-resolution and one of the foremost directors of alternative theatre movement in the country.

After a brief introduction on Tagore, his Nobel Prize winning collection of poems “Gitanjali” and his visit to Iran, Mukherjee performed a gripping interpretation of the poems, dealing with various themes such as freedom, security, conflict zones, politics, education and monotony of everyday life. In a solo performance, with the aid of few touching and at times horrifying visuals, Mukherjee was able to give an entirely different view to Tagore’s philosophies and made them a lot more relevant to the current generation. With an almost avant-garde approach to theatre, Mukherjee’s performance left most of his audience speechless and spellbound. One particular student even approached him after the event to ask for tips on his acting, which Mukherjee was glad to offer.
Overall, the workshop was an eye-opener to most students that had never experienced such an artistic form of performance-acting.