[Following is an official Jamia press release dated Oct, 29, 2013]
Jamia Millia Islamia is celebrating its 93rd Foundation Day today, i.e. on October 29.
The Foundation Day celebrations began at 9.30 AM outside the Dr. M A Ansari Auditorium, Jamia Millia Islamia where the Chief Guest of the day, Dr. Mohammad Zakir, Retired Professor from the Department of Urdu along with Prof. S.M. Sajid, Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia received the Guard of Honour by NCC Cadets of Jamia.

This was followed by a Flag Hoisting Ceremony by the Chief Guest, Dr. Mohammad Zakir and a Foundation Day Function at M A Ansari Auditorium which has been traditionally organized by the Jamia Middle School.
The highlights of the programme were: the story of Jamia, as narrated by the students of Jamia school; the song sung by students of the nursery school; the jamia tarana sung by students; the report of the university presented by students.
The Chief Guest, Prof Mohammad Zakir recounted the contributions made by the founders of Jamia and recalled his long association with the university.
The Vice Chancellor addressed the audience and exhorted them to remember the sacrifice made by the founders of Jamia. In his speech he also announced that the Centre for Information Technology at Jamia will soon provide a unique email id all students enrolled in Jamia. The number stands at 18,000 approximately. He said that this channel of communication between students and teachers will help them stay in touch with each other much more whereby they will be able to share study material, develop online tests, online submissions etc. He also said that Jamia is also thinking on the lines of starting a certificate course in Urdu so that those desirous of learning the language will be able to do so by enrolling in this part time course.
Prof. S.M. Sajid, Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia also inaugurated an Exhibition of “Indo-Islamic Architecture” at 11.30 AM in the Al Beruni Block, Old Block Zakir Husain Library which has been organized by the Premchand Archives & Literary Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia. The Premchand Archives & Literary Centre has a rich collection.