[Following is a message from “The Origin”, an NGO running the “Teach to Construct” literacy campaign in Jamia.]
India since independence is in continuous effort to eradicate poverty from the country, and yet after more than sixty years of independence, we observe mass illiteracy in our country. In order to eradicate illiteracy from India, we not only need governmental efforts but also the effort by the people.

One such minor initiative has been taken in the form of ‘Teach to Construct’ — a nation-wide education campaign initiated by a Delhi-based NGO called, The Origin. In Jamia, this program has been personally implemented by the president of The Origin, Mr. Sharique Nadeem, a student of Human Rights in the Department of Political Science, with the active support of many student volunteers from Jamia Millia Islamia and other institutions in Delhi. Nadeem started the campaign in Jamia in May 2013. Hitherto, a great deal of work has been done in this campaign in the form of distribution of clothes, stationeries and other equipments as a basic infrastructure in many slum areas of Delhi to attract the children living in slums toward learning and education.
Recently on 18th Nov., ‘Teach to Construct’ volunteers celebrated Children’s Day with the children of Jamia construction workers on-campus. The day was organized to inspire and motivate the children toward learning. Volunteers played various games with the children, such as kho kho, antrakshri, and other recreational activities. In addition to that sweets, samosas, juice packets and other eatables were distributed. The excitement of the children observed was indescribable; very emotional. It was observed that these children could play antrakshri and memorize the songs of every letter of the alphabet, but unfortunately do not know what the alphabets are. The children of these slum areas too have dreams and aims, like every child of an economically well off parent, to be a doctor, teacher, policeman etc. Now the question is who is responsible for this deplorable condition of these slum dwelling children. Instead of showing them the way to achieve their goals and way to school, they are being forced to earn their own livelihood.
To sum up, such initiative will definitely save these tender buds from withering before they blossom. Besides, this will act as the motivation and source of attraction towards education and such initiatives are required throughout the country for furtherance of educational process which in turn would lead to prosperity.
We would close with an analogy and say: A child is like a tree sapling, if not taken care of in the form of fertility of soil, adequate water, gentleness of sun and regular care, it will die of neglect.
To know more about “Teach to Construct” campaign visit our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Teach-to-Construct/767005266649127
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