And whenever in resounding corridors of time
They will speak of dreams and stars,
Of whirling dancing snow flakes
Divine butterflies on oozing scars
Whenever they will dip their brush
Deep into thick colors of life,
And splash the gray canvas of memories
With dripping hues from tinctures so rife
Sometime far, when they again will recall the past
Feasting from its sinking mires,
Empty bellies of brain will sleep
Singing lullabies to unsettled desires
And in that swirling silence of ages
When dreams and flowers and colors will dissolve
Into the regal eye of time
When all fragile notions of love and grief
Will drain off like ink from an unsolicited rhyme
Know what lasts in this terrible race
In agitated eyes of a solemn face
Figments of a longing beaming with defiance
A grave among mountains, a tone of silence!

[Syed Rabea Bukhari (2015) is a postgraduate student of Public Administration in the Department of Political Science. She can be reached via email at: seemasrrb[at]]