[Following is an official Jamia press release dated on March 12]
The Department of Urdu, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) had organized a Prize Distribution Ceremony on February 28, 2014 to award the winners of the Tagore Inter-University Essay Competition held on “Tagore aur Iqbal” under Tagore Research and Translation Scheme (TRTS) funded by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India for the purpose of translating and publishing books comprising Tagore’s important writings as well as writings of Tagore for Urdu readers.
The programme was presided over by Prof. S.M. Sajid, Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia.

In his presidential address, he said “The identity of Jamia is not through the buildings but through the nurturing of human intelligence. No doubt, translation is tougher than the original writing. Following the trail-blazing initiatives of Dr. Abid Hussain, Dr. Zakir Hussain and Prof. Mohd. Mujeeb, Jamia continues to churn out excellent translations representing its glorious tradition”.
On this occasion, Prof. S.M. Sajid announced that Jamia has a plan to get the books, “Indian Muslim” by Prof. Mohd. Mujeeb and “Jamia Ki Kahani” by Abdul Ghaffar Madhulvi translated into Hindi and English.
The competition was organized in two categories – one was at the B.A. /M.A. level and the other was at the level of M.Phil./Ph.D.
Students of almost two dozen Universities across the country had participated in the essay competition. Mr. Mohammad Aslam of Muslim University, Aligarh received the First Prize under the category of B.A. /M.A. while Mr. Faizan Shahid from Jamia Millia Islamia received the First Prize of M.Phil. /Ph.D. category.
The First Prize Winners of each category were given a Trophy, a Certificate and Cash Prize amounting to Rs.10, 000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) while second and third Prize Winners of each category received consolation prize.
Jamia VC releases books published under Tagore Research and Translation Scheme (TRTS)
Prof. S.M. Sajid, Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia released four books published as part of Tagore Research Translation Scheme (TRTS) in the Book Release Function organized by the Department of Urdu, Jamia Millia Islamia on February 28, 2014.

The details of the books are as follows:
1) “Tagore Shanasi” by Shamim Tariq
2) “Gitanjali” by Rabindranath Tagore, translated into Urdu by Dr. Suhail Ahmad Farooqi
3) “Rabindranath Tagore: Shair Aur Danishwar” edited by Wahajudding Alvi and Shahzad Anjum
4) “Tagore: Fikr-o-Fun ke Hazar Rang” edited by Wahajuddin Alvi and Shahzad Anjum
On this occasion, Prof. S.M. Sajid, Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia addressed the guests and audience. He said “The spirit of the team work is on the wane and it was heartening to see the triumph of team spirit that augers well for the department and the institution. He felt that these books will be fundamental to understanding Rabindranath Tagore”.
Famous journalist Syed Faisal Ali, Group Head of Rashtriya Sahara was the ‘Guest of Honour’ of the programme.
Prof. Shamim Hanfi, Chief Guest of the function, said “Tagore, Iqbal and Mahatma Gandhi were the messengers of human friendliness. Tagore was a living legend. He was a complete man of the twentieth century. The work of research and translation done in the TRTS is an outcome of the collective effort of the Department of Urdu and will go down in the annals of Department’s history”.