[Following is a Jamia press release dated March 18, 2014]
The Department of Urdu Jamia Millia Islamia organized a research scholars’ seminar entitled “Tagore and his contemporaries” under its Tagore Research and Translation Scheme, granted by the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India.
The inaugural session of the seminar was presided over by Prof. Khalid Mahmood and Prof. Shehpar Rasool of Department of Urdu, Jamia Millia Islamia.

In his presidential remarks, Prof. Mahmood said “Training the students along with educating them is consistent with Jamia’s tradition. Organizing seminars like this is one of the important ingredients in training the students, for instance how to present research papers, how to talk or discuss educational or academic matters among scholars, and how to deliver speeches etc. The spirit of learning should manifest throughout our life.”
Prof. Shehpar Rasool shared his feelings that the research scholars of the Department are usually invited outside of Delhi to present their papers and give fame to the Jamia. In this session the project coordinator Prof. Shahzad Anjum discussed the objectives and goals of the seminar and Dr. Khalid Mubashshir conducted the inaugural session.
Prof. Wahajuddin Alvi, Head, Department of Urdu, Jamia Millia Islamia said that studying Tagore and his contemporaries amounted to studying the entire period. Collecting information and drafting them is an art.
It is very difficult to express one’s feelings in a few words. The clear communication should be there when one presents a research paper.
In this seminar twenty Urdu research scholars from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi University and Jamia Millia Islamia presented their research papers. The presenters were Shahnewaz Faiyyaz, Salman Faisal, Sajid Zaki Fahmi, Saquib Imran, Abu Horaira, Salma M. Rafeeq, M.
Aslam, Imteyaz Ahmad, Kausar Jahan, M. Yousuf Wani, Rahat Afza, Mohammad Moqeem, Aftab Ahmad, Imteyaz A. Tantrey, Naushad Manzar from the Department of Urdu Jamia Millia Islamia while Mohammad Anzar and Abdur Raheem from the Center of Indian Languages, Jawaharlal Nehru University and from the University of Delhi Shamsuddin and Ziaul Haque presented their paper on different topics related to contemporaries of Tagore and his period.
In this seminar all the responsibilities were shouldered by the research scholars only.