Institute of Advanced Studies (IASE), Faculty of Education celebrated its Annual Day on Thursday 27th March 2013 in New Hall of the IASE Building. The Chief Guest for the event was Prof. Zahid Hussain Khan, Director, FTK Centre, CIT, Jamia Millia Islamia, who has also served as the Registrar of Jamia Millia Islamia from 2002-2009. In addition, the Guest of Honour was Prof. Tasneem Meenai, Dean Students Welfare and Director of Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace & Conflict Resolution, Jamia Millia Islamia.

The program began with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by its translation by Mohd. Abid. This was followed by the welcome address by the Co-Curricular Activities Coordinator Prof. Amtul Haleem.
After the Jamia Tarana, Md Amir Reyaz the Vice-President of Subject Association of IASE presented the Annual Report of the Subject Association and programs conducted in the department during the session. The program started with some cultural programmes like Qawwali, Ghazal by Athar and Sadaf (B.Ed. Gen.), Adil and Shabnam (ETE 2nd year), shared a short experience with one student of B.Ed. regarding learning Urdu, and then Prof. Shoeb Abdullah presented the Annual report for the Academic Session 2013-2014 in form of a short documentary made by Imran Khan (ETE 2nd year) showing all the activities that took place in the campus during academic session.

Mementos were presented to the Chief Guest and members of the Subject Association by Professor Aejaz Masih. During this session of the event winners of all the events that took place in this academic year were awarded with Certificates and Trophies by Prof. Zahid Hussain Khan and Prof. Tasneem Meenai.
Out of all the prizes, three titles were most distinguished in which Cultural Trophy was bagged by the Sayyidain House, the Sports Trophy was won by Zakir House and the Best House trophy was won by Zakir House. After distribution of prizes Prof. Shoeb Abdullah, Prof. Zahid Hussain Khan and Prof. Tasneem Meenai, also addressed the students in an inspiring speech about overcoming adversities and striving to excel.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Mrs. Amtul Haleem followed by a rendition of the National Anthem.
It would be unfair, if I didn’t mention some of the most important names who coordinated the entire function i.e. the Compering Team including Md. Asim, Sania Sachdeva and Anupama Thomas (B.Ed. Students), Musheer Alam (General Secretary – ETE 2nd year) and Sana Azmi (Joint Secretary – ETE 1st year) who gave their best efforts for managing each programme. Zeeshan Sir (Vocal Music Teacher) favourite of all students who played important role in each cultural program like Jamia Tarana, Ghazals, Qawwali, Group Song, etc. by giving their music in all programs and Deeba Ma’am (Art Teacher) who is responsible for decoration in each programme. Entire celebration ended with the distribution of refreshments to the students by their respective houses which each of them enjoyed very much along with their friends and teachers.