[Following text is from an official Jamia Millia Islamia press release, and photos are by JMI and Jamia Journal. While the audio recording is by Jamia Journal.]
Individual peace is the key to world peace and global harmony, said Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Addressing students, faculty and staff in Jamia Millia Islamia, the spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said that whatever quality and goodness we posses should be shared with the world at large that would contribute to harmony. [Link to Audio]
“Education”, he averred, “is not about acquisition of information but development of self through awareness. It an instrument to transform human beings into humans.” Bemoaning the conflict around the world, particularly in Iraq, Syria and Gaza, he said that it was because we refused to accept diversity which the world offered. “The quest for homogenization is a malaise”, he felt. The global society, he went on to add, was like a bouquet which had numerous flowers of various hues and scents. It was imperative for us to accept diversity and plurality of the world.
Giving a few tips in respect of meditation to students and staff, he observed that it helped to relieve stress and promote oneness with our environment. He observed that 20 minutes of meditation is equivalent to 6 hours of sleep in terms of relaxation of mind and body.

Answering questions posed by the students, he advised them to remain focused on their goals to ward off distractions offered by the world. He said that self awareness was the key to conflict resolution.
Later, interacting with the academic officials of the university, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar extended his best wishes to Jamia Millia Islamia for its future endeavours. He showed his keenness to collaborate with the Outreach Programme, Jamia Millia Islamia through the Art of Living Foundation to take social, health-care and community services to Jamia’s neighbourhood. He extended his best wishes and personal regards to Prof. Talat Ahmad, Vice- Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia who could not attend the event owing to his pre-occupation with an on-going research project in Uttarakhand.

The event was organized by the Outreach Programme, Jamia Millia Islamia and it was widely attended by the students, faculty, staff and people from the neighbourhood. The event was presided over by Mr. M.P. Sharma, officiating Dean, Faculty of Humanities & Languages, JMI.

Listen to the complete talk by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at Jamia here:
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