After last week’s successful conclusion of a collection drive for the quake-hit people of Nepal by a Jamia student organization of law students called Youth for People, another student organization by the name of Jamia Students Forum (JSF) have concluded their own collection drive and dispatched their collection to Nepal on May 4, 2015 through the ongoing rescue and relief operation in Nepal by the government of India and Indian armed forces called Operation Maitri, according to a written statement from JSF.

Nanshu Pokharel, a JSF member and a Jamia student from Nepal, is quoted to have said: “We had been collecting funds since 28 April and the response we had received was very positive. It was pleasant to see that people were ready to donate money for a genuine cause.”

1. Clothes — 28 cartons
2. Medicine — 4 cartons
3. Water bottles — 125 cartons
4. Maggie — 5 cartons
5. Rusk — 10 cartons
6. Oats (Dallia) — 2 cartons
7. Frooti Drink — 1 carton
8. Soap — 6 cartons
9. Sanitary Napkins — 2 cartons
10. Tooth brush — 1 carton
11. Tooth paste — 1 carton
12. Mosquito repellent — 1 carton

Hafsa Aman, Md. Khalid Hasan, Meeran Haider, Naqi Mohd., Sushav Niraula, Kunalika Singh, Nanshu Pokharel, Abhishek Pundir, Praveen Kumar, Choudhary Imran Khan, Abid, Mohammad Sheez, Sufiyan and Sangeet.