The India-Arab Cultural Center and the Zakir Hussain Institute of Islamic Studies, organized a lecture by the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Sheikh Ali Gomaa, on Tuesday, Jan. 11.
The event was held in the conference hall at the Center for Information Technology; which incidentally, was packed to capacity even before the event had begun.

According to the Al-Ahram, an English newspaper in Egypt: Sheikh Gomaa was a professor at the al-Azhar university before being appointed in 2003, as the Grand Mufti of Egypt — the highest religious official of the country — by the Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak.
In introducing Sheikh Gomaa, Vice-Chancellor Jung referred to him as “one of the most recognizable Muslim scholars that walk the planet today.”
Although the program did not mention a topic for his lecture, Sheikh Gomaa spoke about the importance of knowledge and education in Islam, and the compatibility of Islamic doctrine with natural sciences.
He was joined on stage with professor Zikrur Rehman, the director of the India-Arab Cultural Center, JMI; Najeeb Jung, university vice-chancellor; Maulana Mufti Muhammad Mukarram, shahi imaam of Fatehpuri Masjid, Delhi; Khaled al-Baqly, Egyptian ambassador to India; and Akhtarul Wasey, director of Zakir Hussain Institute of Islamic Studies, JMI.
Besides the aforementioned, many foreign dignitaries from various Arab states were also present in the audience.
Scenes from the Event
1. Pictures
2. Video
Watch a short video clip of the event. (Link to Video)
The grand mufti Ali Gomma hit the nail on the head when he said terrorists are those who either are illiterate in terms of receiving education or illiterate of the obligations of human beings to live amicably with a sound sense of fraternity,solidarity,unity as well as cordial feelings sharing with each other.he motivated the youths to develop a positive sense in order to serve humanity and not to be inclined to violence and so-called extremism as he said”at tameer la at tadmeer”means construction not destruction