If you like to be notified via SMS whenever there is an update on Jamia Journal, then subscribe to Jamia Journal’s SMS channel by performing the following steps:
Send the following message: “ON jamiajournal” to 9870807070 . You will receive an SMS confirmation once you are subscribed.
Or, click on the following link and accept the invitation: http://labs.google.co.in/smschannels/subscribe/jamiajournal
The response which i had received is :
“Your request could not be handled: “jamiajournal” is neither the name of a channel nor a command.”
Please do needful.
Mohd Tauheed Khan
B. Tech Computer Engineering 2006
Tauheed it should work. I’ve had a few subscriptions since yesterday. And I’ve personally checked it. I cannot think of any reason why it should not work.
Make sure you’re typing it exactly the way it is written. “ON” should be in capital letters, followed by space, and then “jamiajournal” is small letters. And the number is: 9870807070.
If it still doesn’t work, then email me your phone number and I will send you an invitation.