[Following is a Jamia press release dated Oct. 5, 2012]
Jamia Millia Islamia and ‘Citizens for Justice & Peace’ are jointly organizing a series of programmes around “Memorial to a Genocide: Gulberg Gujarat 2002-2012” from October 9-13, 2012 on Jamia campus.

The programmes will include a Photo Retrospective, Statistics, Missing Person’s Wall, Acknowledgements and Survivor’s Conversations among other things.
The programme will begin on the 9th of October with the Inauguration of the “Memorial as Resistance’ by Professor Romila Thapar. The inaugural event will begin at 6 PM on the 9th and will be held at M.F. Hussain Art Gallery, Jamia Millia Islamia.
The inauguration will be followed by a panel discussion to be held at the same venue where Prof Romila Thapar will be joined by Prof Shiv Vishwanathan, Prof Purushottam Agarwal, Prof Francis Gonsalves.
On the same day, i.e. on the 9th, a “Music in Memorium’ will be held in which there will be musical performances by Vidya Shah Rao and Madan Gopal Singh. This will be held from 7 PM onwards on October 9, 2012 at Safdar Hashmi Ampitheatre, Jamia Millia Islamia
Mr. Najeeb Jung, Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia will inaugurate a Seminar Workshop titled “In Pursuit of Justice: Media and the Law” which will be held on October 12, 2012 at 9.30 AM in the Edward Said Hall, Jamia Millia Islamia.
In the first Panel Discussion, which will be on, “Justice for Mass Crimes”, the panelists include MM Tirmizi, Y.B. Shaikh, RB Sreekumar (former DGP Gujarat), Harsh Mander, Aruna Roy, Anuradha Chenoy. Prof Prabhat Patnaik will chair the above session.
The second Panel Discussion will be on “Media and Mass Crimes”. The Discussants are – Prof Dipankar Gupta, Ashish Khetan, Siddharth Vardarajan, Kamal Mitra Chenoy. Mr. Vinod Mehta, Editor-in-Chief, Outlook will Chair.
All members of the press are cordially invited and are requested to give space to this important event in their columns. The e-invites are attached with this mail.