To commemorate International Women’s day on March 8th, the Afghanistan Studies programme, Academy of International Studies, and the Outreach Programme in collaboration with the Canadian High Commission, New Delhi organized a panel discussion on the topic, “Women and Development: Challenges Ahead in Afghanistan” at the M.F. Husain Art Gallery. Along with the panel discussion, a photo exhibition was also held at the same venue on Afghan women by Lana Slezic, a Canadian photographer.

The distinguished speakers on the panel were: Mr. Jim Nickel, Deputy High Commissioner, High Commission of Canada; Mr. M. Ashraf Haidari, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Afghanistan; Judge Najla Ayubi, Afghan Women’s Network; Ms. Catherine Coleman, First Secretary, Embassy of Canada, Kabul; Dr. Mondira Dutta, Associate Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Ms. Pamela Philipose, Director & Editor-in-Chief, Women’s Feature Service; and Prof. S.M. Sajid, Registrar, JMI.
Listen to Mr. M. Ashraf Haidari, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Afghanistan, and Judge Najla Ayubi, Afghan Women’s Network speak on “Women and Development: Challenges Ahead in Afghanistan” at M.F. Husain Art Gallery, JMI on March 8, 2013 (Link to Audio):
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