[Following is a Jamia press release dated April 8, 2013]
It is a matter of great pride and pleasure for Jamia Millia Islamia that one of its faculty members, Dr. Atiqur Rehman at Department of Geography has been granted a three-year project on “Understanding Impacts of Desert Urbanization on Climate and Surrounding Environments to Foster Sustainable Cities Using Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling’ by the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA).

The project’s principal investigator is Dr. Soe Myint from Arizona State University and other members of the project are from Yale, North Carolina and Arizona.
The project was submitted to NASA under the NASA’s Interdisciplinary Research in Earth Science Programme – Impacts of Urbanization on the Environment Solicitation.
The project has been assigned for a period of three years from August 1, 2012 to July 31, 2015 and the total cost of this project is $ 7,65,990 which would be funded by the NASA.
The goals of this project are to better understand the impacts of changing land cover spatial distribution, patterns and arrangements within and around desert cities in relation to climate change and to use this knowledge to support adaptive managements and foster sustainable desert cities.
Jamia Millia Islamia congratulates Dr. Atiqur Rehman and wishes him the very best in all his future endeavour.