[Following is an official Jamia press release dated April 23, 2013]
Jamia Millia Islamia officially launched its International Summer School programme (www.issnewdelhi.in) yesterday at an event hosted by the Vice Chancellor, Mr.Najeeb Jung.

The inaugural session for the ISS will be taking place this year from Sunday, June 16 to Friday, July 26, under the banner of the Ministry of Tourism’s acclaimed Incredible India campaign. The six-week programme aims at promoting international goodwill and cultural understanding among tomorrow’s leaders as they learn about India and its role in the twenty first century.
An India-centric syllabus has been designed by the university to focus on the wide ranging issues & developments that are shaping contemporary India. This syllabus comprises of the following, undergraduate level course modules: (i) Indian Politics; (ii) the Indian Economy; (iii) Indian Sociology; (iv) Indian History; and (v) a Fieldwork module for which students would document their volunteer experience with Ritinjali, an NGO that has been involved in numerous community development initiatives across the country. All efforts would be made to facilitate the transfer of credits for students who are attending the programme from other institutions.
The academic syllabus at the ISS is supplemented by seminars scheduled throughout the programme where students will be able to view documentaries & films and interact with eminent speakers on topics that are relevant to the nation and its people. A short course on the Hindi language at a beginner’s level is also part of the programme.
Visits and excursions to sites of touristic importance within and outside New Delhi have been scheduled throughout the six weeks. Events that showcase India’s rich culture and heritage have also been planned over the course of the programme.
The University looks forward to students from across India and the world attending the ISS as representatives of their respective countries this summer and enriching the programme with their own passions and interests.
In attendance at the launch were embassy officials from numerous countries, heads of foreign cultural & educational centres that are based in New Delhi as well as the various deans, heads and directors of Jamia’s faculties, departments and centres.
Applications for the programme can be made online till May 15, 2013. Please visit www.issnewdelhi.in for further details.