Observing Teachers’ day in Faculty of Education on 6th September 2013, an extempore speech competition was organized by the Subject Association, IASE in three languages, i.e, Urdu, English, Hindi.
The topic for the speech competition was: “Dr. Radha Krishnan and Teachers.”

As the students in the department of Teachers Training & Non Formal Education (IASE) are divided into eight houses for Co-Curricular activities, it was termed as an inter-house competition. All the houses participated in the event with full gesture of benevolence paying respects to all the teachers.
Extempore Speech Competition results were announced soon after the programme. Separate prizes were given for each language, each language had three prizes.
Gandhi House managed to bag the two first prizes, Latika Jha for English and Deepika Bhatt for Hindi, while Anas Anwar from Sayyadain House took first prize in Urdu.
Officiating Head of the Department Prof. Shoeb Abdulla, Amid bated breath, announced the result.
Dr. Arshad Ikram, Lecturer, Deptt. of Educational Studies, one from the jury members, praised the Subject Association for organizing such a purposeful competition marking Teachers’ day.
The programme was successfully organized by Subject Association, IASE under the guidance of Co-Curricular Activities Coordinator Dr. Zubaida Habeeb.
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