The Afghanistan Studies Centre of the Academy of International Studies (AIS), Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) organized a certificate distribution programme on 6 February 2014 at the premises of the Academy after first batch of students completed a seminar course entitled “State-Rebuilding in Afghanistan” started by the Afghanistan Studies Centre, AIS.

The seminar course was started on 10th October 2013 and it continued for over two months till 14th December 2013. After an overview of Afghanistan’s history, the country’s economy, security provisions, development, aid, regional politics, future prospects and other aspects of the country were discussed in detail during the course. The seven-week-long course was conducted by Prof. Rani D. Mullen, Government Department, College of William and Mary, Virginia, USA who is currently a Senior Fulbright-Nehru Scholar at the Centre.
In all, fifteen M.A., M. Phil and Ph. D students from the Academy of International Studies, Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution and Department of Political Science completed the course that comprised of classes, special lectures, group discussions, and a research paper by each participant. Important films on Afghanistan like “The Kite Runner”, “Kandahar” and “Afghan Star” were also screened during the course. These films highlight some significant aspects of the country’s recent past.
After successfully completing the course, all the participating students got certificates. The certificates were given by Dr Rani Mullen and Ambassador T.C.A. Rangachari, Director of AIS. Prof. Ajay Darshan Behera, Dr Mathew Joseph C, Dr K. N. Tennyson, Dr. Angira Sen Sharma were present on this occasion.
It should be noted that the Centre for Afghanistan Studies at the Academy of International Studies at Jamia Millia is the only UGC approved Center for Afghan studies in India.
Classes for the second batch of students registered for the seminar course have also started.

[Disclosure: The author of this report is among the first batch of students of this course.]