[Following is a Campus Companion press release dated Nov. 13, 2014]
Campus Companion released the 6th issue (November 2014) of their magazine at their first Annual Function celebrated here at the Faculty of Humanities and Languages (FHL) on November, 13, 2014. Prof. G. P. Sharma was the Chief Guest, while Prof. Mehtab Manzar, Dr. Mehar Fatima, Ms Rohma Javed Rashid, Dr Khalid Mubashshir, Mr Mukesh Kumar Mirotha , from Deptt. of Political Science, Deptt. of English, Deptt. of History, Deptt. of Urdu and Deptt. of Hindi, Jamia Millia Islamia respectively were distinguished guests. But Prof. Sharma couldn’t come because of his engagement in some urgent work.

The event began with a recitation from the Noble Qur’an by Mustafa Raza, followed by a ghazal recitation by Wahajuddin. Nisar Ahmad compered the entire event.
This was followed by a brief introduction to the journey of Campus Companion by Ghulam Sarwar, who, along with Huma Khan, also welcomed the distinguished guests and gathering.
Ms. Rohma Javed Rashid addressed the gathering first. She became so emotional during her talk that tears started rolling down her eyes. ‘It has just been two years since I joined Jamia but the love I have got here is immense. I have found a new family like Campus Companion here where I can interact with such lovable students. I feel as if I had been here for a long time,” Ms. Rashid said.
Dr. Mehar Fatima addressed the gathering next. In her very short speech she said, “You are what you do. What you say or think I can do is so not important. Determine your goal in life and give your cent per cent to achieve it.”
Mr Mukesh Kumar Mirotha spoke about the Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb and emphasized that one should be proud of being a student of Jamia, which not only imparts knowledge but also teaches what humanism is.
Dr. Khalid Mubashshir giving his remarks said, “If Delhi is the heart India, Jamia is the heart of Delhi.” He even read a couple of lines from the magazine and praised Campus Companion for giving such a platform to students to showcase their literary talents.
At last Prof. Mehtab Manzar spoke about the importance of having equal command over at least two languages. “Knowing different languages enables you to explore the other parts of the world. You enhance your power of critical understanding by reading books in different languages. You know the world in a better way and can connect yourselves with any parts of the world.” She also advised the gathering to take part in extracurricular activities like debate, extempore, essay writing, etc., to enable them to develop a better personality.
She, further, appreciated Campus Companion for bringing out such a beautiful trilingual magazine and launching four different clubs to prepare students for various competitive examinations, and donated a cheque for Rs. 5000.
On being asked about the function, M. Wasim Raza, content writer at Campus Companion said, ‘This is the last issue of 2014 and the next one will hopefully be published in January 2015. We couldn’t publish the October issue because of our hectic schedule and midterm examinations going on. Though the magazine was released in February 2014, we are celebrating its Anniversary now thinking of releasing it in quite a different form from next year onwards.”
He, further, went on to say, “The classes under different clubs will continue to be held as per the time table.”
The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Munna Khalid and circulation of magazines among the students.
To know more about Campus Companion visit our website: http://campuscompanion.wordpress.com/