Jamia Millia Islamia, in collaboration with Human Chain, an NGO working for the weaker sections of society, invited Dr. Anand Kumar, Founder Director, Super 30 to conduct an interactive session for motivating the students of the university.
Dr. Anand Kumar, in his presentation, recounted success stories of several students from the underprivileged sections of the society to highlight the challenges and odds that informed their lives and how they could become top achievers.
Addressing a capacity packed audience in Dr. M.A. Ansari Auditorium comprising students from Jamia Sr. Secondary School and teachers, Dr. Anand Kumar drove home the point that success in any field, technical or non-technical, demanded tremendous thrust, positive thinking, continuous hard-work and great patience. He asked the aspiring students to imbibe these qualities to achieve success in life, notwithstanding the limitations that they would encounter in this world. He felt that there was no space for hopelessness in life and one needed to create study of mind for success. The Director of Super 30 Ramanujan School of Mathematics left many in the audience teary-eyed with his narration of vicissitudes of human existence as manifested in the lives of the beneficiaries of Super 30.

Earlier, Prof. Talat Ahamd, Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia expressed his happiness to host Dr. Anand Kumar in Jamia Millia Islamia for this interactive session with students to motivate young scholars to achieve their academic goals in life. Offering advice to students, he observed that there were no short-cuts for success and advised them to work diligently. He added that the teachers of Jamia were available to give them advice and guidance. Prof. Talat Ahmad averred that Jamia’s progress would be tantamount to national progress. He offered to annually organize Rozgar Mela on Jamia’s campus in collaboration with Human Chain on the campus. He also spoke about his efforts to establish girls’ hostel for school going students in Jamia Millia Islamia campus and felt that Indian society could progress only if the female population was brought forward through education.
The Founder Chief of Max Hospitals, Dr. Parvez Ahmad underlined the need for applicational knowledge which could bring growth and prosperity to the nation.

Mr. Irshad Ahmad, the President of Aligarh Muslim University Old Boys Association (Delhi Chapter) drew attention to the relevant sections of the Holy Book “Qur’an” that underlined the importance of education and knowledge of human beings. Prof. Tasneem Meenai, Dean of Students’ Welfare, Jamia Millia Islamia, Mr. Mohammad Aslam (Alig.) and Dr. Khalid Mubashshir shared their views on the occasion.
[This is an official Jamia Millia Islamia press release dated Dec. 11, 2014]