Jamia Senior Secondary School and the Office of Dean Students Welfare, JMI in association with RankStudent Soft Solution, organized a lecture on ‘Digital Education System’ by Dr. Nazeer Ahmed, a.k.a Rank Nazeer, at the Ansari Auditorium, JMI on Dec. 19, 2014.
Dr. Ahmed is an Indian-American space scientist from the city of Tumkur, Karnataka, who has worked with NASA on several space missions. According to magazine articles on him, he was instrumental in the engineering of the moon land rover on the Apollo mission, and was chief engineer on the project to design the lens for the Hubble Space Telescope. In addition to being a scientist he is also a historian and author of an encyclopedia on Islamic history, and a philanthropist who funds the education of many needy students through his Rank Nazeer Sahib Charity.
On the subject of digital education, Dr. Ahmed has combined his experience with NASA and with educational institutions in India and the United States to design digital learning modules for the students of senior secondary schools, which is available on RankStudent.com.
In his lecture, Dr. Ahmed talked about the benefit of using digital technology in education and urged teachers to encourage the use of digital technology in education among their students. He also promised his support in integrating digital education in Jamia schools.
Dignitaries in attendance from Jamia were Prof. Talat Ahmad, vice-chancellor, JMI; Prof. Tasneem Meenai, Dean of Students Welfare; Dr. Ikramul Haq, chairman Jamia Schools.

The event was hosted by Mr. Shoaib Alam, PhD student in the Department of Biotechnology, JMI.
[With inputs from Shoaib Alam]