The department of English organized a seminar titled “The Indian Diaspora in the Caribbean: A focus through V.S. Naipaul’s ‘A House For Mr. Biswas'” on, Thursday, Jan. 13, 2011.

The seminar was conducted by Dr. Judith Misrahi-Barak from the department of English at the Universite Paul Vale- Montpellier III, France.
The seminar, attended by students from the department, irrespective of the academic year was very well received as it enlightened them on a piece of literature which they have either read, or will be reading at some point in their course work
The event brought insightful interactions between Misrahi-Barak, faculty members, and students from the graduate and post-graduate programs of the department.
Misrahi-Barak spoke about the Indian people migrating to the Caribbeans, and the diaspora that has thus evolved there. And all this while “A House For Mr. Biswas” written by V.S. Naipaul, formed the basis of her discussion. She discussed the changing trends in the Caribbean lands along with the events depicted in the novel.
Misrahi-Barak said,”V.S. Naipaul was one of the very first one to focus on the Indian community in the Caribbean.” “He is,” she added further, “one of the foremost writers of the Indo-Caribbean literature.”