It is admission season at Jamia these days. Entrance tests are being conducted on almost a weekly basis for the past few weeks for all graduate and postgraduate programs.
Monday, June 20, the political science department held its entrance test for its Public Administration postgraduate program.
There seemed to be a single center for the test at the commerce building.
After the test, I met a group of Delhi University students, who had just walked out of the test center, and were gathered around a table near the central canteen on campus.

The group comprised of two girls, namely, Neha and Rozi; and four guys: Sarveshwar, Shantanu, Johnson and Aditya, who happens to be a postgraduate student at Jamia and friends with the bunch from his days at Delhi University during his graduation years.
When asked on how they did on the test, they all replied in unison, that it went pretty good and were quite optimistic that they would get through.
Then on being asked why did they choose Jamia, Sarveshwar said: first of all it’s a central university; second, I believe it’s a good university from what I have heard.
Another advantage Jamia has over DU’s postgraduate programs, especially in the political science department, is the relative smaller class size. Over at DU, we have classes of the size of 250 students; while over here at Jamia, I’ve been told, class size is usually not more than 40 students, said Sarveshwar.
Shantanu then chimed in: plus the environment, it has a lovely campus atmosphere.
To which Aditya humorously says: they’ve all heard about the famous Biryani at the central canteen. Who could possibly pass on that.
Later on in the discussion, Rozi says: You know, I wanted to get into Jamia even back in my undergraduate years. Unfortunately though, I could not get an admission. However, this time around, I am quite hopeful that I’ll get in.
In fact, she disclosed in our discussion, that she had also taken the test for Jamia’s prestigious law school, which is reportedly ranked 5th in the nation.
On being asked, if they got admitted in more than one university, how high would Jamia figure in their list of preference? They all replied: Jamia will be our first preference.
Scenes from the Event:
*click on an image to enlarge.
इसमें कोई शक नहीं कि जामिया, भारत के सर्वश्रेष्ठ विश्वविद्यालयों में से एक !!
शुक्रिया खालिद
Hello khalid first of all thanx very much for such a wonderful article.You were bang on target about all fact.u covered the right story at right time.Thanx for calling Jamia best to all the students..God bless Jamia and my editor too.
I can give u in writing that none of these will be admitted in Jamia. Jamia don’t have any good image outside, the recent forceful grant of the minority status, which is like saying a deaf or handicapp a hadicapp, is hurting the reputation of jamia in a big way, now what will happen the talented student will not seek jamia as a option, over the time the quality of students who apply for admission in jamia will surely decline.
I completelt disagree to this last post, becuase those who have the potential they will amke it through the admission…Like I did.. Minority status is ok. I am not against it, but at the end, the potential and will also matters. Saying that Minority Status means no General Category is just lame. Do your best efforts and have it secured in your favour. I have full faith in Jamia’s assesment process. All the best to all :)
@ Priyancka just read the judgement of the by minority commission which is avaible on jamia website on the minority status, u will get to know how flawed and how funny is the judgement on the minority status.
Minority status definately have some positive points but it has more negative points than positive points. This decesion is been celebrated in the p[olitical area but it had open a way for decline and degeneration of jamia.
Tell me when previousely when jamia was not a minority instutution then does minorities don’t get preference there. the anser is no na. So what is the hurry to give the mocery logic minority status to destroy the soul of jamia?
just ask urself u will get the answer..