A group of people in Delhi have come together to organize and march in protest against the growing incidents of sexual violence toward women.
The walk is being organized under the banner of “SlutWalk Arthaat Besharmi Morcha.” (Link to Website.)
The march is scheduled for Sunday, July 31, 2011; from Jantar Mantar to Parliament street and back.
Route for the Walk

The route of the walk will be starting from: Free Church to YWCA Guest House — Parliament Street Police Station — Patel Chowk — Patel Chowk Metro Station — Asoka Road — Jantar Mantar Road, and ending back at Free Church
People are requested to assemble in front of the Free Church gate by 10.30 a.m.
Inspiration Behind the Walk
The walk is inspired from the first SlutWalk held in Canada earlier this year, arising from a local incident in which a Canadian policeman, at a university student orientation, advised female students to “avoid dressing like sluts” in oder not to be victimized, as reported by the BBC online.
Outraged at the insinuation made by the policeman that women become victims of sexual violence because they “dress like sluts,” university students marched in protest against such offensive views in society; dubbing the march a SlutWalk.
Since then, these walks have gained momentum and have been held in many cities across several countries.
According to a written statement from the organizers of SlutWalk Delhi: “SlutWalk Delhi is a movement against perpetrators of sexual crimes, against the mindset that looks down upon anything that is perceived as independent and expressive. This is why we are walking; walking with pride.” “[It] is an attempt to reclaim our (women’s) public space.”
Besharmi Morcha
Since the word “slut” is unfamiliar to the Indian ear, the alias “Besharmi Morcha” has been added to the name SlutWalk “in order to widen the reach of the movement and to distinguish it from the Walks that have taken place in the West,” said Mishika Singh in a statement, one of the organizers of the walk.
“The idea is for women to have the right and freedom to choose, irrespective of where they come from,” said Mishika.
About the Clothes
According to a written statement from the organizers: “SlutWalk Delhi is NOT a skin-show parade. We do not expect anyone to turn up wearing obscene/vulgar/revealing clothes. The idea is to dress-up like you usually do — jeans, skirts, salwar-kameez, and shorts — anything that you would wear even outside the Walk.”
For More Information
For more information on the walk, you can visit SlutWalk Delhi’s official website: www.besharmimorcha.in
Also, watch a minute long publicity video on YouTube, presented by SlutWalk Delhi. Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dw44Qqm6PY
[Editor’s Note: Jamia Journal is looking for a female Jamia student, who plans to attend the march, and is willing to write a report on the event.
Also, to whosoever reading this article, if you are planning to attend the march, we would like you to leave a comment below, declaring your intention to, in order to encourage others to join you at the march.]
today when i was watching news channel and then we know about this type of slutwalk in delhi …at a time i m really appreciate the member of this event………..i m also in full suport of yours……i m also explain this to other more person………
agar mujhe se ho sakka to me iss me jaroor participate karunga…………
:::::::::::::::::all the best:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
TO day 31st july 2011, Besarmi March orgnised at Parliament street march ! Why ? why schedule at when new entrant in college arrive , called her a new name !Teen age girl !
A march towards apathy of woman abuse without participation of relay victim of male abuse against woman suffering from uncounted decades ,( put under nomenclature of Whorl , Concubine , Call Girl , Item Girl,) ? indeed need question about its motives !
That it is not to promote trade westernized cloth at the cost of our villager made cloth which effect ultimately their bread and butter at ground !
That it is not for the promotion participant for earning good profit margin to the entrepreneurs of night club , restaurant , disco thick, wine shop , cigarette, tobacco trade etc. where ultimately bullaneior, Rajkumara visit to unrest from his human resources planning to use human as subservient in their days time !
That is not to inculcating youth in wrong direction out of middle and lower middle class society , to use their indolence and ignorant knowledge about the big manager of human engage in governance of woman a commodities for their shield and protection of currency .
That section 144 require for any voice raised in respect of Public accountability but not for this trade and entertainment promotion program for introducing new entrant for bullaneior club maintenance .
Whether it is not a communal agenda !
If this well strategies for use of middle and lower class female , then the all the protection law constituted for protection of female from their parent on account of tradition need to be looked very carefully , to understand the real design in it ,
Sanjay sabran
hello Khalid my question remains same SLUT WALK is not acceptable tile for the Indian society and besharmi doesn’t mean slut in Hindi language