In an official ceremony, Vice Chancellor Najeeb Jung laid the foundation stone for a Residential IAS Coaching Academy on campus at a site behind the Academy for International Studies, on Friday, Dec. 23, 2011.

The academy is meant to help prepare students for the Indian civil services exam from among the minorities, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and women.
The academy will consist of an academic block and a residential hostel for boys and girls, which is expected to be built within a year’s time.
As per the figures publicized at the event, the academic block will cover an area of 840 square meters with an estimated cost of five crore rupees to build; while the residential block will cover about an area of 1000 square meters with a capacity to house 50 girls and 90 boys. An estimated cost for the hostel building was not provided.
Also, the building has been designed by the department of architecture, JMI.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Jung expressed the need and justification for affirmative action. He said: “You must understand, that some of us are privileged, … but 90 per cent of the world is not privileged. And they have to struggle more than others. So it is incumbent on all of us to hold the hand of those who need help.”
Therefore, it is with this conviction, the academy is being setup to help the underprivileged members of our society, in order for them to have an opportunity to bring themselves up to the level of those who have had a more privileged upbringing.
Mr. Jung also said that he predicts that in the next three or four years, this academy “will be the leading academy” in Delhi, if not in all of India.
Scenes From the Event:
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