Falling from my eyes,
stepping on the ground
slipping through my hands
my only innocence.

Lying silent on my bed
trying to distract thoughts
that’s there in my head
pretending everything is alright
in this dark and stormy night
pushing sleep in to my senses
protecting my only innocence
Closing petals of my eye
I escaped the reality of lie
wandering alone among the stars
with my only innocence.
have u copied this?
y do u think i hav?
wht makes u say dt…
thrz only one thing eithr u lyk it or u dnt
bt den as far as ur question is concerned…den i dint…hope dt answers ur question…thnk u
I think theres sm secret deep down in ur heart which u r afraid 2 share…
I lykd d poem very much:)
waiting 4 more…
Thats quite beautiful….!!!!!